Monday, April 27, 2015

April pictures of learning

It's hard to believe that we are already in the month of April!  We have been so busy planning and organizing exciting fun things that I apologize for not posting fun pictures of things we've been doing.

Our Original Works projects went home.  They had such a great time making them!  We hope you enjoyed them as much as your little ones enjoyed making them.  These projects will be back to us before Mothers Day!  YIPPEEE.  And you will get the original art piece back as well.

Encouraging students to think creatively without examples of art pieces assist in drawing out their imaginations.  In our block center we have two boxes where students have been working hard on creating their own doll house.  These items are so imaginative and full of their personalities!  Please stop in the class and check them out!

During free choice time students are encouraged to learn together.  Working as a team, during "Week of the Young Child" our students were building towers and houses for our miniature people to live in.  This is one huge tower and such pride in showing it off!

Using marshmallows and toothpicks, students were beginning to understand 3D shapes and objects.  Allowing students to create and engineer projects is exciting as their imaginations are growing with the empowerment to make what they want.  We were able to sit with them and talk as they built to strengthen their knowledge on what a 1D shape is compared to 3D.

Huge thank you to Jefferson County Public Schools for allowing their bus to come by the facility for a tour of the bus and a fire evacuation drill on it.  Both our AM and PM classes were able to participate.  Enabling our students to see the inside of a school bus prior to boarding one on the first day of school will help excite them for the opportunity when it arises.  Their faces were so fun to watch!

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