Monday, August 25, 2014

In the Classroom . . .

How to stay up to date on what is happening in the classroom:

Our classroom blog (what you're on now), we post at least once a week with classroom pictures of what we are doing.  It's so much fun seeing everyone enjoying center exploration as well as trying out new things.  Videos are a great addition to the blog as well!  You can sign up to receive email updates on the right hand side or subscribe as a Google + follower.  Previous parents have LOVED this feature of seeing how much fun everyone is having.

Weekly newsletter, these are sent home every Friday in your child's take home folder and include our lesson plan on one side and a newsletter with important information regarding upcoming events, announcements, or helpful tips for parents.

Phone calls, because we have 15 minutes between our morning and our afternoon Pre K classes we ask that phone calls that require more attention to be scheduled in order to supply the proper care for the students within the classroom setting.  We understand many of our parents also work, and we want to be able to connect with you, if this arises we will communicate for a phone conference that would enable the teachers to provide full attention to you and the conversation instead of the preparations for the next class or with 20 children in the classroom environment.  We can always be reached at the center at 304.728.1100 during 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Miss Shelly's email address is also on all newsletters that are sent home every Friday.

Items being sent home:

You might find piles of papers or envelopes filled with letters or stickers or other fun items.  In our writing center, we encourage students to begin to practice and find a love for penmanship.  While we recognize that this collection of items might secretly find its way to a rubbish or burn pile, we encourage you as parents to help celebrate the letters that were written by your student.  (And shhh, the trash pile would never be spoken about in the classroom!)

Lots of information from the school and also the county's programs (hearing and speech screening, assessment forms, and informational handouts) will be placed in folders.  Some of these items will request further attention while others might be informational only.

Chuck E Cheese offers printable award charts for areas like behavior, clean teeth, getting dressed, being a good eater, and so many more options.  In our classroom we will award each student when they move on through the Reading Farm a certificate with 10 free tokens.  You can save these up and use them all together for a fun special day or celebrate with the certificate alone.  Who doesn't love a little Chuck E Cheese now and then?  :)

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